
Surya Rugs & Home Décor

Explore our collection of Surya area rugs, pillows, accent furniture, and home décor and find bountiful options to enhance your home’s interiors with a coordinated, cohesive aesthetic. Surya produces ornate medallion area rugs, tonal tribal designs, bold floral prints, modern geometric patterns, and other on-trend motifs in rectangular sizes from 2’ x 4’ accent rugs to large 8’ x 10’ area rugs. Many of the brand’s original designs are also available as 6’ x 6’ or 8’ x8’ round rugs, as well as hallway runners and unusual kidney-shaped rugs. (Don’t forget the rug pad, available in the Surya collection in premium recycled felt.) Whatever shape, size, and style you select, accent your area rug with matching or coordinating Surya pillows. Choose from Bohemian pillows with fringe and tassel accents, velvet and other luxurious pillows in a rainbow of solid hues, modern pillows with metallic floral or striped patterns, pillows that perfectly replicate the brand’s fashionable rug designs, and seasonal throw pillows with fall or holiday themes. Complete your room’s look with high-quality accent tables, table lamps, and other Surya home décor. Surya’s on-trend products add comfort and style to any space.